These photos are from my "archive", meaning they were taken AGES ago but just never found their way to this corner of the web. Hardly a favourite outfit (hence, temporarily archived) and I doubt I will ever repeat this head-to-toe, but I will repeat wearing every single thing I wear here!
Just, you know, not together.
I have worn this pinstripe grey blazer countless times because they're super thin for a blazer which makes it perfect for our weather here. I mean, when yo gurl wants to wear blazers in hot and humid weather, she wears blazers — but she's also sane enough to not want to faint for fashunnn.
Actually, correction: I will repeat wearing every single thing I wear here except for that clutch. That teeny-tiny lips clutch was not the wisest purchase; five years ago the black lips clutch was still a "vibe" of mine, plus I was in Japan with a habit of collecting just for the sake of collecting and ended up with a few non-practical purchases including this thing.
(Also, why are these tiny clutches mostly, mostly so cute?)
Perhaps I should probably pass it down to my niece, what do you think? (Bearing in her mind the possibility her taste is more refined than mine 5 years ago, of course.)
Wearing: Bershka pinstripe blazer | H&M t-shirt | H&M Mickey Mouse jeans | Adidas Samba black sneakers
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