If you're in your late 20s, I will tell you this (as a PSA of some sort): turning 30 might sound scary, but I promise you, being 30 is just as ordinarily amazing as being 29 — and 28, and 27, 26, 25, 24, and so on. (Well, for me 20 was the exception; I would NOT want to relive 2006, nu uhhh.)
But of course, not forgetting the extra-amazing special moments you might experience in between, like perhaps when you scored your first real job, or getting your first real paycheck, or the first day of driving your brand-new car, or when you first fall in love, and maybe the day you get married to the person you fell in love with. ♥ ♥ ♥

At 30, you might have this jolts of realization from time to time throughout the year, like, "Wait I'm THIRTY now WOAH", but really, it's very unlikely you would fret about the number of your age because you'll be too busy living. And turning 31? Not as big of a deal, apparently.
If anything, your age is one of the last things to define you, and yet I find that it is also one of the first things to be thankful for. When 13 January came last Friday — thus making me a very wise 31-year old (very wise, OK?) — I was grateful that I have been given the privilege to live this long, to be in good health and surrounded by people that I love who love me right back.
It was also a reminder and an opportunity to say my thanks to God, and to pray for many more birthdays to come my way!

If I may, I would also like to add that now that I'm 31, I feel like I am now absolutely entitled to look at younger people and say "Kids nowadays..." darkly while shaking my head disapprovingly. You know, because of all the pearls of wisdom I've collected all along these years, that make me earn that right. One of the perks of being 30 or above, I suppose...?
OK, so we'll have to continue this talk about how incredibly wise I am some other time, as my real purpose today is to talk about my birthday outfit — which was pretty simple and sweet.

Thanks for reading, guys, hope you like the outfit! XO
Wearing: Zara dress (currently on sale!) | Zara t-shirt | Zara jeans | H&M flats | Miira Mew bag
How lovely to be 31 Liyana. You are wise to be thankful for getting to such a wonderful age and I wish you many more healthy, happy and wisdom building years ahead.
ReplyDeleteYour new dress is so pretty! I love the tiers and what looks to be a tiny ruffle at the shoulder. The ripped jeans beneath are a nice contrast to the feminine flavor of the sheer dress.
Wisdom building definitely needed! I'm looking forward to receiving many more life lessons =) We only knew each other for a little while (virtually through comments and emails, of course) but to be honest, I'm already learning plenty from YOU, Judy, I really am, so thank you for that <3
DeleteFunnily I didn't appreciate those tiny shoulder ruffles until I took these photos, and now I love the dress even more! I'm not sure how to style this dress the next time I wear it, though... (Any suggestion, Judy?)
Your so COOL in this outfit Liyana.
ReplyDeleteI'm going a little crazy for those shoes too :op
So easy breezy, yet beautifully elegant.
31......ahhhh....enjoy it!
I wouldn't have used the word "cool" to describe my outfit here but am I ridiculously HAPPY you think so. I do feel cool now suddenly =D
DeleteI got those shoes at H&M's sale for 40 Malaysian ringgit, which is like...7 pounds? Total bargain!
PS: I will do my best to enjoy it XO