Well, yes, I kind of really do...
I never knew why it was nicknamed that (I like this story though) but I was deep into denim-on-denim before I knew about that phrase (and it's negative connotation); I think it's safe to assume that the current hate comes from the group of people who are still scarred by Justin and Britney's matchy denim looks, which, let me tell you: I understand you fully.
Even if I had known of its reputation and steered cleared of denim-on-denim in the past because of it, I'd probably change my stance on it: I'm seeing a lot of denim-on-denim looks on street-stylers and they all look kind of effortlessly positively cool. It'd be just like the time I changed my mind about doing the half-tuck, which I thought looked super ridiculous, but then I subsequently ate my words after seeing how good it looked on so many girls.
Although, in this case, my shirt is actually chambray and not denim so this particular outfit is arguably a Canadian tux, but the shirt looks so denim-like, it looks just as denim as my other denim shirts. I already knew in store it would be one heck of a difficult shirt to work with - I feel like these patched jeans are the only thing to go with it for now, and really where are my perfect white denim jeans when I need them more than ever - but I'm a sucker for patches and frays, so, what to do?
Anyway, if you guys don't mind, I'm just going to attend to my own sartorial needs and continue feeding on those denim-on-denim looks...
PS: Happy Independence Day to my fellow Malaysians! Hope you're all having a great day off today XO

Wearing: Zara chambray shirt | Zara patch jeans | Mango lace-up oxford shoes

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