Ever since my trip to see the Godzilla Head from afar (see here), I've been waiting for the day when I would get closer to it—and last Sunday was the day, so yasss. I initially wanted to go during the day but there's a 1-minute light show on the head every few hours, so it was probably best to see that at night time.
The size of the head is certainly impressive but since there isn't wide enough space nearby the humongous head, visitors need to crane their neck to look at it, which kind of hindered anyone to get a good all-around look at the head. The best view of the head might just be near the terrace's entrance, if you're not that into getting only an eyeful of its neck and pretty set of teeth.
I was still super stoked to be able to cross this off my To-Do-In-Tokyo list, especially because I adored the 2014 Godzilla movie (serious correlation here).

I was still super stoked to be able to cross this off my To-Do-In-Tokyo list, especially because I adored the 2014 Godzilla movie (serious correlation here).

There is a sign at the base of Shinjuku Toho Building saying the Godzilla Head is supposedly only open to guests of the Hotel Gracery or customers of Cafe Terrance Bonjour, which is at the lobby of the hotel on the 8th floor. Unlike our last trip to have a look at Godzilla in November, no one seemed to be stopping any visitor from entering.
I was on my way to the WC from the cafe and heard two Caucasian tourists standing in front of the cafe saying, "Do we pretend to be ignorant, or do we buy something from here?", and I'm quoting them verbatim here. I'll tell you straight away that they chose the former.
I wanted to chill at the terrace cafe anyway (and I don't usually like to break clearly-written rules) so Shah and I ordered the salmon bruschetta appetizer and the Godzilla cake set, which is pretty delish. It was coincidentally Valentine's Day, a day that Shah and I don't celebrate but if we were celebrating, it seemed like a great Valentines date in Tokyo for us, to romantically gaze at Godzilla Head while holding hands on the celebrated day of love...

[ View of the head (and bits of its spikes) from inside the cafe ]

[ The prettiest cake in their Godzilla Cake Set (with paw prints too cute to be Godzilla's) ]

[ View from the terrace ]

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