I think I'm borderline obsessed with this pile jacket. If it were acceptable to don it in Malaysia—like maybe in malls, or when I go to Cameron Highlands, or when I go to a fancy wedding in an air-conditioned hall (on top of my traditional wear or a formal dress), or something—I'd totally put it on. And I'd be getting myself a different pile jacket in black, too, to wear to all those places.
But, no, as cold as some malls and some slightly-higher-altitude resorts are in my hot and humid country, it won't be cool at all to wear one around here. In fact, it'll actually be hot as heck. Somehow, though, that doesn't change the impractical fact that I want another one of this in my closet. I've got to say, looking at things like this pile jacket makes me feel extra grateful that I get the chance to visit a four-season country like Japan because only then I get to bust this baby out of my closet.
I was going to link a previous outfit post in which I wore this pile jacket and oh my God, I voiced the same exact sentiment: I wish I could wear this all. The. Time. It's like I'm re-blogging that post, except I've styled the jacket differently.
It's appropriate that I took these photos in front of a shutter that says 'Tokyome' because the idea of owning a pile jacket only came to mind after I saw a lady at Shinjuku Gyoen in a pile jacket and platform chelsea boots on my very first trip to Tokyo back in November last year (click here and scroll down to see my sneaky photo of her).
So I guess in a sense, if we want to get all philosophical about it...how very 'Tokyo' of me to be wearing this in Tokyo, a year later.
Except, in hindsight, I suppose it would have been loads better if my t-shirt didn't say Atlanta on it. But I'm not one to wear a t-shirt that has the name of the city I'm currently in anyway, so, everything still makes sense in the end, guys.

Except, in hindsight, I suppose it would have been loads better if my t-shirt didn't say Atlanta on it. But I'm not one to wear a t-shirt that has the name of the city I'm currently in anyway, so, everything still makes sense in the end, guys.

H&M pile jacket
Adidas 'Atlanta' t-shirt
Mango straight cut jeans
Adidas Honey Mid sneakers
MAC Rebel lipstick + MAC Currant lip pencil (check out short review of them in my previous post here)
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